
 I have never been this scared 

Well most of my nightmares are scary yet each and every dreams felt in that subconscious state makes it even scarier.

It starts off with me being in a dark lonely forest with tiny streaks of moonlight that creeps through the scary tall trees just like the picture

How scary can someone become in this spot with all the night birds out there making all kinds of sounds they could make just to make me shiver in fear

I couldn't walk a step forward as fear try to overtake my whole body.

I use to wonder when I watch horror movies that why people try to walk around exploring in pitch dark situations.

Still I want to escape this fear I try to walk with my eyes and ears widely open.

I could hear my heartbeat in my ears.

I sweat profusely yet I shiver every time the birds or trees makes their spooky sounds.

I saw a light at the far end and try to run towards it.

But what happens next made me froze at the spot.

As I ran towards the ray of hope, my leg was caught by something that was quite sharp which felt like a hand or a thorn bush or it could be some wild animal.

I couldn't get my breath nor strength to look down to see what stopped me.

In between pain, still I couldn't take my eyes off from the ray of hope.

I was so close yet wonder whether I could escape from this grip.

I try to lose myself from the grip yet it hold on to me even harder and my eyes starts to fill with tears.

Now I barely see the light and was exhausted, I fall on to the ice cold ground

I open my eyes as the cool air from the fan brushes through me while I lay on bed.

I still wonder what could have caught my leg and why couldn't I just look to see what it was?

I wake up to another day with thoughts filled in my head.

Have a good day 

Any thoughts about what could be, are welcomed.
