Unfortunate Mistake

One day can't pass by without stirring my mind
Why does it happen to me?
Should I stick to the usual motto of "Everything happens for a reason"
What about living in the present than thinking about the future or the past?
I hate it when I tend to realise and life proves in a wider aspect that I'm one such unlucky person.
Okay, let me explain what's happening to me.
I am still a new driver. Well, the use of "still" actually means its been almost a year since I got my license, but the pandemic restricted me to get used to the roads.
But now it's been two months almost since I have been continuously driving. I would honestly say that I am still not that good at parking. 
One day I park well in ease, but the other day it just took forever to park. Don't even start with the stares I get from the public for parallel parking. 
I was annoyed when my dad expected me to be pro in parking at the start of my new driver state. When I realised that the car was almost inside the parking I just switched off the engine to rush into my workplace because I couldn't handle my dad talking ill about my parking and inviting more sympathetic stares for the public. But what worse could happen more than another vehicle scratching over my not-so-inside-parking end of the car within 1 hr since I parked. Thought that would be the last day I would carelessly park since then I made sure my car was inside the parking lot no matter how long I took to park. 
But today, I parked pretty badly as I was disturbed with a guy showing off his attitude of 'What this lady is trying to do?!" kind of expression with the gesture. I lost my calmness and parked too close to the footpath after long struggles of trying to fit the car inside the parking.
But why then?
How could a car come over my space and disturb my whole day by scratching on it?
What else should I say?
Is it my luck or my parking skills that need to be improved?
How should I calm my mind? What kind of thoughts should even pass through?
I'm blank. Should I just cry over it? 
Think as its nothing big but just a scratch 
I know the latter is better and positive 
But at the end of the day it still a scratch that occurred on my car since I started driving.
Dad returned after enquiring about the situation.
Seems like the driver was a Syrian guy who has no insurance and has been looking for a job for 1 year. He was in a hurry for an interview but was tensed while parking hence causing the mistake. He even apologised and agreed to pay back if he can in the future.
People have their struggle which during this pandemic making it even worse. 
I am sorry and wish you all the luck for your interview. 
I will just consider it as a scratch due to my driving as it was just an unfortunate mistake out of his struggling life.  
